Houston Mayor Annise Parker visits Westside Surgical Hospital


Healthcare is getting a lot of attention these days, with many policy makers and politicians being asked to think about the way that people get treatment. With that in mind, Dr. Abdel Fustok extended an invitation to Houston Mayor Annise Parker to visit Westside Surgical Hospital and the physicians who operate there.

“WSH is a newcomer to the Houston healthcare system,” Dr. Fustok says. “I thought it was important that the mayor meet with our medical staff­ in order to appreciate their expertise and experience, and to be familiar with an alternative off­ered by a physician-owned facility.”

More than 70 physicians met with Mayor Parker and had the chance to talk about the work being done at the hospital. Then Dr. Fustok, Dr. Mustapha Kibirige and Chief Administrative O.cer Mary Nan Whitmeyer led her on a tour of the three-story space, which opened in January 2013. The hospital’s state- of-the-art medical technology, its design focusing on patient comfort from admission to discharge and its staff­ all received high praise.

“I am extremely impressed with the outstanding patient care, quality and efficiency exhibited by the staff­ at Westside Surgical Hospital,” Mayor Parker says. “The physicians involved took a building that lay vacant and invested in the community by rebuilding the facility, creating jobs and developing a thriving medical operation.”

Dr. Fustok was pleased Mayor Parker had the opportunity to see firsthand the efficient, e­ffective and empathetic service Westside Surgical Hospital o­ffers to the community.


“It is now more important than ever for healthcare facilities to build relationships with people in city government,” Dr. Fustok says. “This visit demonstrated how the quality of care we provide is an asset to the city’s residents.”