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Stop the Silence – National African American Breast Cancer Walk Westside Surgical Hospital and Breast Center was pleased to join members of the Sister’s Network for their 6th annual “Stop the Silence” walk, to raise awareness for breast cancer and encourage early detection among the African American community. The hospital’s team was happy to participate in the 5K walk at Discovery Green, while other team members shared information about the WSH Breast Center with the many who stopped by to visit. Thank you to Dr. Camille Cash for bringing this important opportunity to our attention!

Physical activity for people with health limitations A health issue may seem like a reason to avoid exertion, but in fact, exercise is an important part of keeping your condition under control. Here are a few guidelines for physical activity if you have asthma, arthritis, heart disease or some other medical condition. WHY IS STAYING ACTIVE SO IMPORTANT? Keeps up your strength so you can stay independent Gives you more energy for your favorite activities Reduces stress and anxiety Improves balance and coordination WHAT TYPES OF ACTIVITIES ARE MOST BENEFICIAL? Walking. Walking is one of the safest, most effective forms…

Concussions in youth sports cause growing concern among parents and coaches The warm sunshine and the smell of fresh cut grass is a sure sign of spring, and young athletev s will be eager to get back in the game. But one crash or collision with a fellow player could spell disaster, both on and off the field. Despite increased awareness about sports-related concussions, there’s been a sharp uptick in frequency over the last decade. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that emergency room visits for concussions in children 8 to 13 has doubled, and concussions have risen 200 percent…

Texting is a pain in the neck As we increasingly focus on sending messages via phone rather than chatting, researchers are seeing a new kind of pain dubbed “text neck.” According to a study published in the journal Surgical Technology International, text neck results from constantly bending the neck to look down. The head weighs 10-12 pounds when the spine is in neutral position, and as it bends forward, the relative weight on the neck increases. At a 45 degree angle, the neck supports about 49 pounds. Over time that kind of stress overload can cause: Wear and tear on…

WSH patients tell their amazing survival stories in three TV ad Janette, stunned by a breast cancer diagnosis, explains that once she arrived at Westside Surgical Hospital and met the staff, “I knew I could do this.” Marilyn gives a very straightforward reason for choosing the hospital for treatment: “It’s the only complete breast care center in Houston.” Jennifer, daughter of a breast cancer survivor, knows that her risk for the disease is higher than average, so she gets regular mammograms at Westside Surgical Hospital. “With their experts looking out for me, I know I’m doing everything I can to…

Drive and determination help new Chief Nursing/Administrative Officer Angie Kauffman steer toward success An experienced leader in healthcare operations, Angie Kauffman recently assumed the role of chief nursing/administrative officer at Westside Surgical Hospital. She is enthusiastic about supporting the hospital’s mission, vision and values by fostering a spirit of collaboration. Here, she outlines her team’s accomplishments and shares her view of the future. How did you come to Westside Surgical Hospital? I had been a chief nursing officer for nearly 10 years in Austin, where the healthcare market is smaller. I had wanted to obtain my master’s degree in business…

Recently,Dr. Mark Schusterman performed the body lift procedure on a Missouri City resident who had undergone a gastric bypass and then needed to remove extra tissue and skin. Losing significant amounts of weight leaves patients with pounds of loose skin. The only way to tighten the skin is through surgery. Watch a WSH patient’s story recently featured on FOX-26 TV. To learn more about the procedure, please contact Westside Surgical Hospital at 713-621-5010

Screening tests can reduce mortality by allowing doctors to find tumors early before they’ve had a chance to grow and spread. Doctors recommend regular screening beginning at age 50, but advise people to start earlier if they have one of the following risk factors: Personal or family history of colorectal cancer polyps or colorectal cancer Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis A genetic syndrome such as Lynch syndrome, Turcot syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) If you feel you may be at increased risk, your physician can offer advice and determine the right…

New services offer advanced treatment options With the opening of both its new Breast Center and IVF Lab, Westside Surgical Hospital continues to bring new and innovative care to its patients. The breast center will feature the most advanced reconstructive surgery techniques available today, along with imaging options that include: 3-D mammography 3-D ultrasound Stereotactic breast biopsies Bone density testing “Westside Surgical Hospital has always had a special focus on breast health, but with this new center we will be able to care for women from diagnosis through treatment using state of the art microsurgical techniques and the most advanced…

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the staff and physicians at Westside Surgical Hospital made it a priority to get involved in as many local events as possible. BRA Day at Dillard’s supported Reconstruction of a Survivor, a group that is dedicated to improving the lives of women impacted by breast cancer. Dr. Jay Shenaq, plastic and reconstructive surgeon, offered a presentation to attendees on reconstructive surgery. Great Day Houston’s Deborah Dunca served as emcee. Brave Faces Patient Celebration took place at WSH, with staff and former breast surgery patients coming together for a celebration of recovery. Houston Komen…

A surgical technician faces her own battle with breast cancer “The doctor needs to talk to you.” The first time Yami Mora heard these words, she knew it was bad news. The 36-year-old surgical tech called to get her mammogram results, and was asked to return for “another look.” After an ultrasound, the radiology tech came in visibly concerned. “The doctor needs to talk to you,” she said. Yami knew that technologists delivered good news. Doctors delivered bad news. Yami is proud to work alongside some of the finest surgeons in Houston at Westside Surgical Hospital, a multi-specialty hospital near…

Medicine plays a key part in treating health issues, but once medications are no longer needed, people often forget to dispose of them properly. Most medicine can simply be thrown away, however others can be harmful – or even fatal – if they fall into the wrong hands. Children, pets and people intentionally seeking drugs can all be at risk if medicine is disposed of improperly. The FDA offers this advice for drug disposal: READ THE LABEL Most potentially harmful medicines have detailed instructions for disposal printed on the label. While many can simply be flushed down the toilet, don’t…

Heed your body’s warning signals to avoid injury As classic as legwarmers and Jane Fonda workout videos is the adage, “No pain, no gain.” But how do you know if you’re making progress or courting trouble? The most common form of pain we associate with physical activity is delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS. You’ll usually feel this soreness a day or two after beginning an exercise regimen, increasing the intensity of an existing routine or targeting a fresh set of muscles. If you’re a man over age 45 or a woman over age 55, or if you have an…